A Lenient Rant - 13/Jul/2018

I have seen some worthless posts that often surfaces on WhatsApp. It's disappointing as well as frustrating to see those messages. Every time I look at them, I find them objectionable, they are regressive and never progressive.
These posts are crafted so well as to turn our mind against the Brahmins, but in fact, they affect our mindset and lead to brainwashing. As a consequence, we become more casteist.

Our problem is not brahmins but the brahminical order or casteism that we all support. We now feel proud to be a Satnami, Satnami is a caste which serves nothing to us but to the brahmins. We are aiding Brahmanism to preserve casteism for posterity.

We are in no way an Ambedkarite. Ambedkar never advocated caste; he was a nastik, he never accepted the divinity of Vedas. But today we have gone against his will; we revere him not less than any deity. Same goes with Guru Ghasidas; we exalt him to be the satpurush himself. And why satpurush? What's the existence of satpurush, have we have ever questioned and reasoned about it? Never. We, our social system, are all directed by Brahmanism. If we are proud of ourselves, then we owe a lot to Brahmins for making such a system. I question, why do we even need to follow them. We tend to amend their methods that's it, that too in disagreement. That's silly. Way too stupid.

When I think of our present setup, I find ourselves to be closer to the Gandhian ideology which advocated casteism but was never in favour of discrimination and untouchability. That's precisely what we aspire for. We want ourselves to be Satnami and be proud of our caste.

Not alone brahmins are casteist, we too are casteist. If never thought like this, then please have time to think about it. Let me give you an instance and have a thought on it. Let's assume for a while that the Brahmins and their politics of Brahmanism have been entirely uprooted from the face of the earth. Now, do you think that you won't do casteism against the various castes within SC/ST/OBC? You will, you always will. Casteism is there is us.

The only way to kill casteism is rigorous education, reading books, cherishing the values of the constitution, Ambedkar and busting every myth, prejudices and stereotypes whenever they come across. Killing every false perception is the only key; for that, one must keep reading and educating oneself. Please make sure to read good books.

And there's another confusion about the relation of Caste and Category. I request you, for the sake of Dr Ambedkar and Constitution, don't mix these two things up. Caste and Category are two different entities. Please understand the difference!!!

The society today has been witnessing the drift in our attitude. We are growing up to become rationalist and sceptic. But the negative repercussions of Brahmanism has infested us so severely that we are not able to cope up ourselves.

To the communities are attached their identity in the form of art and culture. We don't have to kill art and culture. We can preserve it, and we must do it. Form a community, not on the caste lines but a society for proliferation and preservation of our art and culture. Make sure we celebrate all festivals together with all pomp and show. Gather all enthusiasts and volunteer from different groups and aim at the active participation of every individual in society.


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